I'm Sachin Maskey


Family Medicine Physician

15 Years Experience

#1 Amazon Best-Selling Co author

Persistent, Pivots and game-changer

Sachin's Inspiring Story

Sachin Maskey was born and brought up in a small city of Nepal called “Dharan.” He went to his high school in the southern part of India-Chennai. He went to the USA in 2006 when the guerilla war started in Nepal to achieve his goals and impact others with his vision. When he stepped into the USA, Sachin only had $2000 in his pocket with no place to live and no friends at all. But he never gave up as he had dreams to change the whole world.

He struggled for almost 1.5 years, and finally, his hard work paid off as he got his first residency training in 2007.

He completed his medical training post-graduation in Bronx Lebanon Hospital in the Bronx.

Sachin Maskey is certified by the board of family medicine. For 11 years, he practiced medicine as a primary care physician focusing on lifestyle changes to improve health and lose weight naturally without any medication. If you want to learn more about the secret of health, then visit Sachin’s YouTube channel Dr. Maskey Health Academy.

Sachin Maskey is blessed with two kids and married to a beautiful wife who is Dentist. He also enjoys cooking, painting, and playing guitar in his leisure time.

He is the co-author of a chapter in the book called “Persistent, Pivots and Game-changer” which released on 9th of October, 2021 

Lifetime achievements

Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.

Board Certified

Family Physician

Dr. Sachin Maskey, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist with over 17 years of expertise in the medical industry in N Dartmouth, MA.

Founder of Non Profit 


He started the non-profit Dhana yoga foundation in the USA to support blind kids and orphans with their education to achieve their goals.

Founder of Real Estate Firm

Avatar Equity

“ He also founded a real estate agency named Avatar Equity. He’s a very successful real estate investor.

Co-author of

Game Changer

He is a co-author of the book which released on October 9, 2021. 

Non-Profit Dhana Yoga Foundation

In 2018 he started the non-profit Dhana yoga foundation in the USA, which primarily aimed to build diabetes centers and schools for blind and orphaned kids worldwide and provide education to achieve their goals. around the world and provide education in order to achieve their goals

Avatar Equity

“ In 2018, Sachin Maskey set up Avatar equity after realizing the importance of passive income. A real estate investment firm whose objective is to acquire multifamily properties and other real estate assets from the market and give the best returns, thereby improving the investors’ and residents’ lifestyles. Avatar equity will focus on high-income professionals to provide them with a greater chance to achieve financial independence.



Access FREE Sachin’s recent book he co-authored, Persistent ,Pivots and Game changers , with 40 Iconic Thought Leaders including Phil Collen , Glenn Morshower, Kevin Eastman, Marques Ogenden, Kyle Wilson and more. Plus ,the foreword is by Brian Tracy, Global Author and Speaker

Meet my Mentors


Vinney Chopra


Kyle Wilson

What people say about Sachin

Rarely have I met anyone who has as much energy and drives as Sachin Maskey. I’m confident he will use that energy to change lives and make the world a better place.

Tom Burns MD
Entrepreneur, Mentor, And Best-Selling Author Of Why Doctors Don't Get Rich
Sachin Maskey has an inspiring story. He came from the country of Nepal to be a doctor here in the US. Through real estate investing he has created financial independence and now is a mentor to others as well as a philanthropist. I'm honored to be a co-author with him and to call him a valued friend!
Kyle Wilson
#1 Bestselling Author and Founder of Jim Rohn Int and KyleWilson.com
Dr. Sachin is very brilliant, passionate and focused entrepreneur. He has abundance mentality and is very knowledgeable person, his expertise in medical field and efforts in the real estate industry are well-known. He is a valued friend and a very humble person, a family man who aims to change millions of lives and is making the world a better place through his enthusiasm and astonishing efforts.
Vinney (Mr. Smiles) Chopra
Multifamily Investor | Syndicator | International Best Selling Author on Amazon and Founder of Moneil Investment group

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